Battle Master Homepage

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About Battle Master


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Battle Master is a chess game developed in Borland Delphi 5.0. Programming languages such as Delphi or Visual Basic most of the times are unable to create quality games. They are standard Windows development tools not game creators. However, sometimes it seems as if they are intended for game development! I never expected Battle Master to be so good. I'm planning now to enable the program to use multiple chess engines. Although the computer plays very well sometimes it plays the same way. And that's not good. That's my main target in the second version.

The first version is already available in the downloads page . I did not found extreme difficulties developing it. However I'm afraid I'm going to have hard time developing the multiple-engine option. I'm also looking for chess engines. If you happen to have one or know where I can find one please contact me by sending an e-mail at: !!! I cannot find a way to develop a chess algorithm different than Battle Master's. I could really use your help.

Battle Master has a wide range of abilities such as options about the computer engine or appearence options. I'm also trying to add some of those. Generally I'm expecting version 2 to be much better. You just have to wait a little.

About the resources I'll try to make some available to you soon. Battle Master already has some piece sets by default but I'm planning to publish some soon in this homepage. Check the downloads page frequently for updates. So far I have found no bugs but if you find one you know what to do...!!!

Thanks for you support...